
Showing posts from August, 2018

Week 5 story of the game 2nd version

After talking to my tutor, i realize that puzzle game or adventure game is not a suitable genre of  a mobile game.  which means that the story is too complicated now. It is better to have a game with stages instead. Background: The world has been destroyed by human beings. Human beings are forced to leave the earth and live in outer space. Artificial Intelligence is left on earth to change the environment for human beings. It is supposed to reshape the landscape of Earth so that human beings can live on it as they once did. Besides, the AI is building cities based on the historical data from the human past. However, recently, the observatory from the space station detected some malfunctions happening in the cities built by the robots. Plot: The protagonist is sent to Earth to fix the issues. He is ordered to achieve 3 different missions before he can go back to the spaceship through the orbit elevator. First mission, to defeat/fix a malfunctioning robot and fix the water puri

Week5 Story of the game

After the presentation, i figure that i might need to reconsider the story of the game and so i know what to talk about on the presentation rather than roughly talk about the setting of the game. The character wake up from a capsule-like machine. He get the message from his phone that he should get to the giant building on the other side of the land to know where he is. He start to walk around the city and talk to different people, he gradually know more about the world while talking to the robots or the people.

Week 4-week 5 development

*The purpose of critique : All in all, I need to draw more. environment development Character Property supporting character

Week5 slides and presentation

The compass&brief (target audience) Game Story map mood board reference architecture main character supporting character properties Feedback: 1.i need to have more relative pictures on the screen when i am telling the story.

Week 1-3 ideas of character earlier

As the story unfold, the protagonist meets different robot in different area. 1. The aquatic Robot that is supposed to purify the polluted ocean. The kind of "creature" that live in the ocean. It is actually a kind of robot designed to purify the ocean. I am imagining that it might looks like a trilobite. 2. A few ideas at the earlier stage. The giant robot. The guiding lady, the protagonist and a giant robot.

Character design research week 2-3


Week 4 presentation& critique

Middle age reference: Steam-punk age reference: Futuristic age reference: The map: Character design: Buildings: Feedback(issues i need to figure out): I need to think about how i can advertise the game. It will be nice if this game could be shared to everybody. What kind of teenagers will be my target audiences? Plan(what you will do after this week): page of the digital version of the protagonist page for a supporting character 3.refining the map page of the tower (concept image) page of the landscape of the steampunk city development

Game Research

Bioshock: Fall out: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game  is an  open world   turn-based   role-playing video game  developed and published by  Interplay Productions  in 1997.  Horizon: zero dawn

Week 3 About the game type(Game research)

In the beginning, I was thinking about making a platformer game. However, the more research i do the more i consider that it might not be a good idea. As the game need a relatively rich story in order to deliver my concept. Recently, I consider  that adventure game could be the game type that i need. What is adventure game? Wikipedia: An  adventure game  is a  video game  in which the player assumes the role of a protagonist in an interactive story driven by exploration and  puzzle-solving . [1] The  genre 's focus on story allows it to draw heavily from other narrative-based media, literature and film, encompassing a wide variety of literary genres. Many adventure games ( text  and  graphic ) are designed for a single player, since this emphasis on story and character makes multi-player design difficult. Example: Machinarium reference: Primordia: Reference:

World concept design Week 2-Week 3

The map Week2 Week3 Structure on the map representing different age of the real history. The reference is shown below: Middle-age: Steam punk age: Futuristic age: